In January-February 2014, foreign trade of the Russian Federation totaled $116.2 bln (- 8.3%, year-on-year), says press center of the Federal Customs Service.
Foreign trade with non-CIS countries hit $101.7 bln, with CIS countries - $14.5 bln.
Trade surplus - $34.9 bln including $28.7 bln in trade with non-CIS countries and $6.2 bln in trade with CIS countries.
Russia’s exports totaled $75.5 bln (-7.4%, year-on-year) with exports to non-CIS countries accounting for 86.7 % and exports to CIS countries - 13.7%.
The share of fuel and energy in total exports tot non-CIS countries climbed to 75.5% against 76.4% in January-February 2013.
In the accounting period, value and volume of fuel and energy exports declined by 8.5% and 6.5% respectively because of the reduction of crude and oil products supplies. However, exports of kerosene almost doubled, exports of natural gas increased by 14.9%, coal – by 9.0%.
The share of metals and metal products in total exports to non-CIS countries made 7.2% (against 6.8% in January-February 2013). The value declined by 1.2% while the volume climbed by 2.8%.
The share of chemicals - 4.8 % (against 5.2% in January-February 2013). Exports value - 14.6% down.
Exports of machinery and equipment - 2.7% (against 3.5% in January-February 2013). Exports value - 28.6% down.
Exports of food and food stock - 2.5% (against 1.8 % in January-February 2013). Exports value - 31.6% up due to 97-pct growth of export volumes.
Exports of timber, pulp and paper - 2.1% (against 1.6% in January-February 2013). Value and volume – up 19.2% and 16.5% respectively.
Russia’s imports totaled $40.7 bln (-10.1%, year-on-year). Imports from non-CIS countries accounted for 89.7%, CIS countries – 10.3%.
Imports of machinery and equipment from non-CIS countries account for 48.4% (against 48.5% in January-February 2013). Imports value - 5.3% down, volume - 7.9% up.
The share of chemicals - 16.1% (against 17.0% in January-February 2013). Imports value fell by 10.0%, volume – by 20.8%.
Imports of food and food stock- 15.2% (against 14.2% in January-February 2013). Volume - 6.0% up.
The share of metals and metal products - 5.0% (against 5.5% in January-February 2013). Value - 13.2% down, volume - 23.7% down.
The European Union is Russia’s largest economic partner - 50.1% of Russia’s foreign trade turnover (against 49.5% in January-February 2013). CIS countries account for 12.5% (against 14.1% in January-February 2013), Customs Union countries - 6.1% (7.8%), EurAsEC – 6.5% (8.2%), APEC – 25.6% (23.7%).
Russia’s major trade partners in January-February 2014 were China $13.9 bln. (104.1% against January 2013), Germany - $10.4 bln (102.4%), Netherlands - $10.3 bln (86.4%), Italy - $7.4 bln (89.3%), Turkey – $5.0 bln (93.7%), Korean Republic – $ 4.0 bln (117.1%), Poland - $4.0 bln (94.0%), Great Britain - $3.6 (98.1%), Japan - $3.4 bln (78.8%), USA - $3.4 bln (96.0%).