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  3. Rosmorrechflot takes delivery of two buoy tenders built by Moscow Shipyard (photo)

2014 May 30   15:45

Rosmorrechflot takes delivery of two buoy tenders built by Moscow Shipyard (photo)

On May 29, 2014, the commission of the Federal Marine and River Transport Agency (Rosmorrechflot) took the delivery of the buoy tenders of project 3050, Puteisky-78 and Puteisky-88, built for North Dvina IWW Basin Administration under the order of FGI Rechvodput, Rosmorrechflot says in its press release..

The vessels have been built under the “Renovation of Auxiliary fleet” activity of the sub-programme “Inland water transport” of the federal special-purpose programme “Development of Russia’s Transportation System in 2010 – 2020”. 

The project has been developed by the Gorky Central Design Bureau of the River Fleet and the vessel was built by Moscow Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Yard. 

Ship general characteristics: LOA - 23,50 m, beam - 3,65 m, depth – 1.2 m, light draft - 0.66 m, light-ship displacement - 35,44tonnes, maximum speed – 15.0 km\h, main engine capacity - 85 KW.

The vessel is equipped with the advanced ship power plant control system and state-of-the-art communications and navigation facilities.

Moscow Shipbuilding & Ship Repair Yard (MSSZ, Moscow Shipyard) was founded in 1936 and is one of the oldest shipyards in Russia. Throughout the years the shipyard has built more than 1,800 vessels. The company specializes in construction of river passenger ships, fishing boats and 25-m / 50-m-long luxury yachts. The full-cycle shipyard has in-house design office, docks for hull repair, fabrication, painting, outfitting and interior manufacturing.

In 2010, the company commenced the construction of new generation cruise passenger ships. The shipyard is a subsidiary of the state-owned shipbuilding conglomerate United Shipbuilding Corporation. In September 2011, the shipyard launched the project of high-speed multipurpose cutters of MRV14 project for Russian ports. Since that year Moscow Shipyard is building the packages of 27 and 12 buoy tenders of project 3050 and 3050.1, respectively. In the autumn of 2012 the shipyard started construction of on-board boats for the Russian Navy.

The shipbuilding company secured ¾ of all 3050, 3050.1, 3052-series buoy tender orders placed with Russian shipyards under the Sub-Program "Inland Waterway Transport" of FTP "Development of Transport System of Russia, 2010-2015".

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