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  3. 10th Annual Neftegazshelf-2015 Conference to focus on oil & gas offshore projects

2015 November 16   13:10

10th Annual Neftegazshelf-2015 Conference to focus on oil & gas offshore projects

The 10th Annual “Contracting On Oil&Gas Shelf” Conference (Neftegazshelf-2015) will be hosted in Moscow, 8 December 2015. The industry professionals together with their contractors and suppliers will discuss possibilities of participation of the domestic industry producers in offshore projects, the event organizing committee N-G-K said.  

The conference is supported by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, NP SRO Neftegazservice, Russian Gas Society. The event Partner is Sberbank Leasing.

The conference key agenda will be the issue of spare part supplies, maintenance and overhaul, repair of the equipment purchased earlier for oil & gas shelf, as well as strategy of providing equipment and services for the perspective shelf projects.

Conference participants will make proposals on how to arrange the expertise of some major investment oil&gas projects in terms of participation of the Russian contractors in the framework of the Governmental committee on import substitution.
Survey results will be summed up at the conference Neftegazshelf-2015 for the oil&gas companies for the Year 2015 and the potential suppliers announced who will receive the highest appraisal in the following nominations: «Floating Drilling Rigs», «Supply Vessels»,  «Offshore Aviation», «Drilling Rigs for Offshore Drilling», «Drilling Instruments and Tools», «Tubular Goods», «Power Generating Plants», «Pump-Compressor Equipment», «Offshore Subsea Production Modules», «Wellhead Equipment», «Marine Seismic Acquisition», «Offshore Drilling Services».

Among participants of the Neftegazshelf-2015 are the following: Ministry of Industry and Trade, Ministry of Nature, OJSC «Gazprom», JSC «Gazprom Neft», JSC «Rosneft», SC «Sberbank Leasing», «Sakhalin Energy», LLC «Gazprom VNIIGAZ», LLC «LUKOIL-Nizhnevolzhskneft», LLC «RN-Shelf-Arktika», FGUP «SPO «AnalytPribor», JSC «VNIIR», JSC TsKB «Korall», LLC «Mammuth Rus», LLC «Russkaya Strategiya», SC «Neftegazmontazh», LLC «STROYGAZMONTAZH», LLC «Techi Rus», JSC «Elmash»,  Shtokman Development AG, Safin Group, PGS and many other companies.

Forms of participation:
- as a delegate;
- with the brief presentation;
- with the extended presentation;
- in the exhibition;
- as sponsorship.

To register and join the event feel free to contract: (495) 788-72-79, 514-44-68, 514-58-56; info@n-g-k.ru; www.n-g-k.ru

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