Since the last BAF update, bunker Euro prices have shown an downward trend. Consequently Containerships will adjust its bunker surcharges for the Baltic and North Sea Services valid for all shipments with sailing date as from 01.12.2015, the company said in its press release.
The Inland Fuel Surcharge for 2015 will remain at € 0,00 per kilometre - no surcharge applicable.
UK (Teesport, Tilbury) & Continental Europe (Luebeck, Rotterdam, Zeebrugge)
20ft-23ft-25ft 30ft-40ft-45ft
From/to Helsinki / St.Petersburg / Ust Luga -€ 15,- -€ 30,
Riga / Klaipeda -€ 13,- -€ 26,
Aarhus -€ 13,- -€ 26,
Iberian peninsula (Spanish and Portuguese ports)
From/to Helsinki / St.Petersburg / Ust Luga -€ 15,- -€ 30,
Riga / Klaipeda / Aarhus -€ 13,- -€ 26,
Ireland and Northern Ireland via Rotterdam
From/to Helsinki / St.Petersburg / Ust Luga -€ 19,- -€ 38,
Riga / Klaipeda / Aarhus -€ 17,- -€ 34,
Ireland and Northern Ireland via Teesport
From/to Helsinki / St.Petersburg -€ 15,- -€ 30,
Riga / Klaipeda -€ 13,- - € 26,
Scandinavian and intra Baltic services
From/to Aarhus <> St. Petersburg / Helsinki / Riga -€ 15,- -€ 30,-
Riga / Klaipeda <> Helsinki / St. Petersburg -€ 13,- -€ 26,-
Helsinki <> St. Petersburg / Kotka -€ 7,- -€ 14,-