Zamakona Shipyard is the beneficiary of the confidence of the Prestigious Tuna Fishery, Nicra-7, and is delivering their new Tuna Freezer vessel, “Guria” at the Bizkaia Este dock of the Port of Bilbao, the company said in its press release.
This Saturday, Astilleros ZamakonaS.A. held the inauguration ceremony of the first of this innovative type of vessel for the Bermean Compoany.
This act was attended by representatives from both companies, the Port of Bilbao and authorities of the Basque Government.
This vessel, the “Guria” is construction Nº 751 of the Santurce Shipyard and is a project of new design with the latest and most modern technology built to the specifications of this Bermean Shipowner. It has a length of 81 meters and a top speed of 16 knots thanks to its power plant of 5440CV. The crew is composed of 27 mariners to handle a capture capacity of 1708 m3 of tuna. The vessel will fish in the Atlantic Ocean.