MABUX invites delegates to the first ever Marine Bunker Price Seminar in Helsingborg, Sweden.The number of delegates is limited to 20 persons.
Delegates will gain theoretical knowledge and hands-on experience on how the MarineBunker Price Mechanism works. This will lead to an understanding of how bunker buyersand sellers can obtain the lowest possible buying price and/or the highest possible sellingprice.
The two-day Seminar will give an idea how to trade and how to determine the bestbuying or selling practices.
By adopting the right buying and selling techniques, hundreds, thousands or even millionsof dollars can be saved or earned, depending on which side of the trading divide you are on.The same method applies to both buying and selling categories.
Seminar cost $1290 – all inclusive at the location.
Who should attend?
Bunker Suppliers
Bunker Traders-
Bunker Brokers
Financial Institutes
Chartering Managers-
Freight Traders
Oil Price Analysts
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