The logistics division (Logistics Africa and Logistics International) belonging to the South African parent company, IMPERIAL Holdings Limited, concluded the 2015/2016 financial year, which ended on 30 June 2016, with operating profits amounting to ZAR 2.54 billion (equivalent of EUR 159 million); this item matched the figures in the previous year. According to the press center of the Port of Hamburg, turnover in the logistics division rose by 9 percent to ZAR 47.91 billion (EUR 3 billion).
Including the Vehicles division, IMPERIAL Holdings Limited was able to increase the Group’s turnover by 8 percent to ZAR 119 billion (EUR 7.4 billion) and earnings before interest and tax (EBIT) by 3 percent to ZAR 6.4 billion (EUR 400 million). The logistics division therefore contributed 39 percent to the total turnover figure and 38 percent to the Group’s EBIT.
IMPERIAL Logistics International achieved turnover of EUR 1.3 billion (EUR 1.4 billion in the previous year) and generated earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) amounting to EUR 63 million (EUR 70 million in the previous year) with an operating margin of 4.8 percent. The turnover and earnings figures, which were lower than those in the previous year, were mainly due to the sale of holdings, principally the neska Group. Adjusted for company sales and acquisitions, IMPERIAL Logistics International was able to achieve organic growth in turnover of four percent. As a result, IMPERIAL Logistics International met its organic growth targets during the last financial year.
IMPERIAL Logistics International B.V. & Co. KG
IMPERIAL Logistics International B.V. & Co. KG is a wholly owned subsidiary of the South African company, IMPERIAL Holdings Limited; the European company is responsible for coordinating and managing all the international logistics business of IMPERIAL Holdings Limited outside Africa. The varied portfolio of services at IMPERIAL Logistics International, which has its headquarters in Duisburg, Germany, is concentrated on two divisions: the Group pools the shipping, road transport and express freight services in the IMPERIAL Transport Solutions division. The IMPERIAL Supply Chain Solutions division covers all the services related to contract logistics, contract manufacturing and warehousing for the automotive, machinery and equipment, steel, retail and consumer goods and chemicals business. Acting together, the two divisions provide a complete and transparent range of services along the entire supply chain from one source. IMPERIAL Logistics International employs more than 8,300 people and, including the new acquisition, Palletways, generates turnover amounting to EUR 1.4 billion at 170 business locations.