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  3. OLDENDORFF revives contract for two eco 36,000 tdw newbuildings

2017 September 5   10:08

OLDENDORFF revives contract for two eco 36,000 tdw newbuildings

Last month saw the resurrection of two newbuilding contracts, which OLDENDORFF concluded originally in June 2012 with Weihai-based SAMJIN Shipbuilding Ind. Co Ltd (SSI), at the time controlled by Korean shareholders. The initial order was for four 36,000 tdw Handysize newbuildings of the Korean designed FESDEC-36k eco type, the company said in its press release.

The yard was known for its good workmanship, but had to go through a financial restructuring due to the problems of its Korean parent. We cancelled all 4 ships in 2014 and 2015 after excessive delays and received back our downpayments. Roughly 50% of the building blocks were completed at that time and well-protected.

Samjin was acquired last year by the diversified Shanghai ZHOUJI Group (42,000 employees), who brought in an experienced Chinese workforce and also 40 management staff from Korea.

On 2nd August 2017, OLDENDORFF signed new contracts for two of our original hull numbers (#1058 and #1059) for delivery in the autumn of 2018 and January 2019. At the same time OLDENDORFF concluded timecharter contracts with a major trading house for 4 – 5 years time charter on both vessels.

The new vessels feature 4 x 35 tons “Mitsubishi” cranes, a Wärtsilä / WinGD main engine, MAN-B&W auxiliary engines and “Mewis” fuel saving ducts. The cargo holds have a generous cubic capacity of 47,500 cbm, a tanktop strength of 25 tons per sqm and a high flexibility for heavy bulk parcels and steel cargoes.

In the last 5 years since 2012, OLDENDORFF have now invested more than US$ 2.25 billion in 89 vessels. OLDENDORFF buying program was divided equally among all 4 segments: 22 Capes (incl Newcastlemaxes and Baby Capes), 22 Panamaxes (incl Post-panamaxes and Kamsarmaxes), 22 Ultramaxes and Supramaxes and 22 Handies, plus one transshipment platform. OLDENDORFF has focused on large capacity ships, made up of either eco newbuildings or resales typically around 5 year old, well-equipped second hand ships.

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