From November 6 till November 10, average wholesale prices for heavy fuel oil М-100 in the spot market of the Russian Federation climbed by RUB 278 against the previous week to RUB 12,714 per tonne, PortNews IAA learnt from the review provided by IAC Kortes.
The price for fuel oil in the North West federal district climbed by RUB 226 to RUB 12,506 per tonne, in the Central district – climbed by RUB 342 to RUB 11,975, in the Volga federal district – fell by RUB 77 to RUB 11,646, in the Southern federal district was flat at RUB 13,350, in the Siberian federal district – climbed by RUB 848 to RUB 13,342, in the Far East federal district – climbed by RUB 895 to RUB 19,225.