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2017 November 16   13:00

Last Early Bird rate for Maritime Reconnaissance and Surveillance Technology conference 2018 expires 30th November 2017

The last early bird rate for Maritime Reconnaissance and Surveillance Technology conference, taking place on 30th-31st January in Rome, Italy, will expire on 30th November 2017.

SMi says the two-day event will provide the opportunity to meet and network with leading Maritime ISR leaders, project managers, decision makers and technical experts from around the world as nations explore how to maximise maritime situational awareness capabilities for the safety and protection of international waters.

The increasing role of Maritime Domain Awareness (MDA) in space has been recognised globally. Space capabilities including space-based radar imaging and surveillance, ocean temperature and sea monitoring among others are an important element of MDA. It is evident that a number of countries are developing space capabilities to support it but it is apparent that there are still gaps in coordination efforts amongst nations.

Last year's conference sponsors LEONARDO, PAE, KSAT, MDA, ORBCOMM, POLESTAR, EXACTEARTH AND E-GEOS amongst many others at Maritime Reconnaissance and Surveillance Technology conference in 2017 focused their discussions around this very topic.

This international approach demonstrates how comprehensive SMi's space-based maritime domain awareness approach is. Further to this, 2018's Maritime Reconnaissance and Surveillance Technology conference will build on from last year with even more expert discussions and presentations on:

  • Introducing Space-Based Reconnaissance to Italian Navy Operations

Rear Admiral Valter Zappellini, Head of C4 and Security Department, Italian Navy

  • Enhancing French Maritime Surveillance and Reconnaissance Capabilities through The Integration Of Cutting-Edge Technology

Captain Sacha Bailly, Maritime Surveillance and Protection, Maritime Capability, French Navy

  • Improving Canada’s Maritime Domain Awareness Through Enhanced Space-Based AIS Capabilities

Lieutenant Commander Chad Kabatoff, Project Director Polar Epsilon 2, DG Space, Canadian Armed Forces

  • Information Communication Technologies and Maritime Monitoring Information Systems for Coast Guard Functions

Rear Admiral Piero Pelizzari, Head of ICT and Monitoring Systems, Italian Coast Guard Headquarters

  • Optimising International Cooperation to Achieve Comprehensive Space-Based Global Maritime Domain Awareness

Mr. Guy Thomas, Director and CEO, C-Sigma

  • Enhancing Intelligence Gathering and Acquire Maximal Maritime Domain Awareness

Captain Stefano Calvetti, Head of the Intelligence Office, Italian Navy

Alongside the two-day event there will be a pre-conference workshop held on 29th January 2018. The workshop will be hosted, once again, with space technology leader C-SIGMA to deliver an exclusive session. Guy Thomas, Director of C-SIGMA will be hosting the workshop on "Improving International Collaboration in Space to Enhance Maritime Situational Awareness”.

For further information and to register visit: http://www.maritime-recon.com/portnews

Media: Contact Natasha Boumediene on nboumediene@smi-online.co.uk

Booking: Contact James Hitchen on jhitchen@smi-online.co.uk

Established since 1993, the SMi Group is a global event-production company that specializes in Business-to-Business Conferences, Workshops, Masterclasses and online Communities. We create and deliver events in the Defence, Security, Energy, Utilities, Finance and Pharmaceutical industries. We pride ourselves on having access to the world’s most forward thinking opinion leaders and visionaries, allowing us to bring our communities together to Learn, Engage, Share and Network. More information can be found at http://www.smi-online.co.uk

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