Euronav NV has sold the Suezmax Cap Georges (1998 – 146,652 dwt) for USD 9.3 million, the company said in its press release. The vessel was delivered to her new owners yesterday. Euronav will record a capital gain of approximately USD 8.5 million in the current quarter.
The sale of the Cap Georges is part of a fleet rejuvenation program and comes in anticipation of the delivery of the first of four Suezmax vessels early in 2018 currently under construction at the Hyundai yard in South Korea (HHI). These vessels are part of a seven year contract for four vessels with a leading global refinery player.
About Euronav
Euronav is an independent tanker company engaged in the ocean transportation and storage of crude oil. Euronav is headquartered in Antwerp, Belgium, and has offices throughout Europe and Asia. Euronav is listed on Euronext Brussels and on the NYSE under the symbol EURN. Euronav employs its fleet both on the spot and period market. VLCCs on the spot market are traded in the Tankers International pool of which Euronav is one of the major partners. Euronav’s owned and operated fleet consists of 55 double hulled vessels being 1 V - Plus vessel, 30 VLCCs, 18 Suezmaxes, four Suezmaxes under construction and two FSO vessels (both owned in 50% - 50% joint venture). Euronav’s vessels mainly fly Belgian, Greek, French and Marshall Island flags.