Maersk Line to change the rate structure on the corridors from Asia to Chile, Ecuador and Peru, effective 1 effective 1st May 2018, the company said in its press release.
The change in the rate structure will consist of excluding the Destination Terminal Handling Charge (DHC) and Import handling surcharge (IMP) from the Ocean Freight (OF) and reflect it as a separate element. Current tariffs for Chile, Ecuador and Peru are detailed as follows:
CHILE–DHC125 USD per container for DRY and 240 USD per cont 125 USD per container for DRY and 240 USD per container for REE iner for REE iner for REEF
PERU –DHC 85 USD per container for DRY and 140 USD per con 85 USD per container for DRY and 140 USD per container for REEF ner for REEF ner for REEF
ECUADOR – ECUADOR –IMP 95 USD per container 95 USD per container 95 USD per container