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2018 April 12   18:05

Port of Kiel presents environment concept

The PORT OF KIEL and the German federal state capital Kiel have together worked out a concept aimed at providing sustainable and environmentally oriented development in the port, the company said in its press release.

BLUE PORT KIEL outlines strategies and initiatives in three spheres of activity aimed at making energy resources more efficient, reducing emissions and transferring hinterland transport to rail.

The concept will be discussed over the coming weeks by the city’s leading bodies and put to Kiel’s governing Council for a resolution on May 17th. Dr Dirk Claus, Managing Director of the PORT OF KIEL said: “BLUE PORT KIEL describes the situation as it is now and at the same time looks to the future. In implementing the necessary measures, political support is indispensible”.

The seaport of Kiel has for many years already been covering all of its energy needs from ecologically sustainable and regenerative power sources. Its modern terminal facilities are oriented towards energy efficiency and equipped with LED technology. In the Ostuferhafen, solar panels mounted on warehouses and on passenger handling buildings utilise the power of the sun. Of the cars in the port’s vehicle fleet, 15 % are all-electric, and in the port’s forest products terminal, electrically-driven fork-lifts are in operation all the time. Dirk Claus: “We have already done a lot in the company to protect the environment. With the implementation of certified environment management we now want to more clearly define the way ahead while continuing to improve ourselves.” Already standard and well advanced in the port is solid and water waste management. Just last year, Europe’s most modern waste-water reception plant went into operation at the Ostseekai.

Because of its designation as a sulphur emission control area (SECA) the Baltic has become one of the cleanest operating regions in international shipping. Since 2010 only low-sulphur fuel has been allowed in the port of Kiel - unless the ships in question are fitted with scrubber plants. Ulf Kämpfer said: “This year the PORT OF KIEL is building its first shore-based power plant with the aim of further reducing emissions during the time ships are tied up.” This pilot plant is being erected at the Norwegenkai Terminal and will be able to supply ships operating on the Kiel-Oslo route. In addition, studies are being undertaken to investigate whether further shore-based power plants could be technically feasible at other terminals. Dirk Claus said: “To improve economic viability and promote the spread of land-based power for ships, funding of the required technical facilities as well as exemption from levies due under Germany’s Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG) is necessary.” Parallel to this Kiel is going to promote the supply of LNG to cruise ships during their stay. The first LNG supply operation is planned to take place in spring 2019, when the “AIDAprima” will be stationed in Kiel.

Rail/ship intermodal transport has increased a lot in importance in recent years. In 2017 more than 30,000 consignments moved on the port of Kiel’s hinterland rail transport network. Compared to truck transport, rail cargo transport emissions of fine particles, nitrous oxides and even greenhouse gases are significantly lower. Dirk Claus said: “By switching traffic from the roads to the railway we are making a major contribution towards easing pressure on the main traffic arteries within the Kiel City region.” In order to further increase the railways’ share in the modal split, more investment in infrastructures is planned. To that effect the rail marshalling yards at Kiel-Meimersdorf are being upgraded in the coming year to accept goods trains of 750 metres length (as against 550 metres currently). In addition, a third marshalling and composition track will be laid along Kiel’s Railway Quay to increase the capacity of the intermodal facility at the Schwedenkai Terminal.

The PORT OF KIEL operates Kiel’s commercial port on behalf of the Schleswig-Holstein state capital of Kiel, of which it is a subsidiary company. Last year more than 7.4 million tons of cargo were handled – an all-time record - and a good 2.1 million passengers used available terminal facilities to board or leave ships. The port’s hub business is ferry traffic to Norway and Sweden as well as into the Baltic region and to Russia. In the summer season, Kiel is a centre of attraction for cruise shipping traffic.

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