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2018 April 23   15:55

Azerbaijan Caspian Shipping Company to provide additional scholarships for students

Azerbaijan Caspian Shipping Company says it will provide additional scholarships for students.

Training of young professional talents is one of the strategic targets of Azerbaijan Caspian Shipping Company. To achieve this goal, the Shipping Company at its own expense regularly conducts trainings with the participation of leading shipping specialists. Special projects are also being implemented for young interns to pass internships in influential companies specializing in maritime industry.

Under the existing scholarship program of the ACSC each year graduates of Azerbaijan State Marine Academy (ASMA) are sent to well-known universities of the world to get Master education. This program is a clear example of the preference given by the Company to the development of the talent and young seafarers educated in accordance with international standards.

Besides, students of Azerbaijan State Marine Academy are allowed to get internship in the vessels of ACSC sailing in foreign waters which help them to achieve a level of self-development as required by international standards and increase own professionalism.

At the same time, graduates who successfully passed final exams and passed interviews are given a "Letter of recommendation" for the subsequent job in the Company.

In addition, by the decision of the director of ACSC, further stimulatory projects are also carried out to increase interests of marine students in education and also to support them in growing as professional seaman. The Company took following step to achieve this goal. 

Students of Azerbaijan State Maritime Academy and Maritime College under the Academy, who demonstrated higher results in education will be provided with a scholarship of Azerbaijan Caspian Shipping Company. In this regard, the Company has prepared and approved special regulations pursuant to the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “on Education”.

According to the regulation, only students holding Azerbaijani citizenship will be entitled for this privilege.

Scholarship will be provided depending on the success indicators of students. The scholarship will be awarded to all students whose results from exams are not less than 91 points. Another word, all students who successfully gained 91-100 points for all subjects will be eligible by Azerbaijan Caspian Shipping Company for the scholarship in the amount of 100 AZN.

All students who were admitted to ASMA with or more than 550 points will be included into the list of eligible student, and they will also receive scholarship in the first semester of the first years. Eligibility for scholarship for the following years will depend on the results of students in examination sessions.

On the other hand, the scholarship will be ceased in the following cases: the point collected by a student during the applicable semester is less than 91; student is not permitted to participate in the exam session, got reprimand at university, expelled from ASMA and Maritime College.

At the same time, the right to receive scholarships will be retained regardless of the works of students during the practice and vacations. All students who lost their labor capability temporarily and did not show up due to pregnancy or birth purposes, will receive the scholarship in full for a period set by patient’s paper issued by relevant health point.

In general, the Regulation will not differentiate if a student gets education paid or unpaid when awarding the scholarship. Besides, the award of this scholarship will not suspend scholarships provided by state.

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