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2018 October 26   15:35

Large-scale projects launched in Southern part of Klaipeda Seaport

Large-scale projects have been launched in the Southern part of Klaipeda Seaport. Implementation of these projects will result into new possibilities to the companies operating in this part of the Seaport and in improvement of ecological situation. Very soon the projects on capital dredging works   and dredging of soil from dock pits in  Malku Bay are to be launched.

"I should characterise the infrastructure development works in Malku Bay as historical ones, as on implementing them totally different possibilities for companies operating in this part will occur. The key goal is to reach the  depth up to 14.5 meters in order to load to  full extent the Panamax type vessels and to repair them. I would like to highlight that EU financing was allotted for the development of Malku Bay infrastructure"- told the director general of Klaipeda State Seaport Authority Arvydas Vaitkus.

It has been planned to excavate approximately 1,5 million of cubic meters of soil while performing the capital dredging works in Malku Bay.

The contract value of the first stage of capital dredging works is 15,63 million Euros including VAT. The company "Van Oord Dredging and Marine Contractors B.V." is not the newcomer in Klaipeda Seaport. – the company performed the capital dredging and widening works of navigation channel from the mouth of the Dane river up to Malku Bay and capital dredging works in LNG terminal waters‘ territory.

In September the underwater key- wall for coastal protection was constructed. It was vitally necessary to construct this wall prior to the commencement of the capital dredging works.

Nearly 57 million euros for the entire project on Malku Bay capital dredging and implementation of related environmental protection measures were allotted from EU Cohesion Fund.  Capital dredging of Malku Bay up to depth of 14.5 meters will provide equal conditions in the Seaport, enhance navigation safety, create economic growth possibilities and help to develop the systems of environmentally friendly transport modes and multimodal transport. These investments contribute to the enhancement   of environmental protection conditions in the region.

Recently the Seaport Authority concluded another significant contract on soil dredging from dock pits, reconstruction of quays No. 137A, 138A and 139 with construction of railways. These quays are operated by SC Western Shipyard. On completing these works the company will be able to accept vessels of larger parameters for repair and cargo handling. Furthermore, the company will be able to operate the recently acquired dock , the largest dock in the  Baltic countries, where the both vessels of maximum parameters and special purpose vessels, like ice breakers, fishing vessels, vessels rendering services to oil platforms should  to be repaired.

The contract on these works has been concluded with JSC "Hidrostatyba" and SC "BMGS" acting under the joint agreement. The contract price was 27,1 million euros.


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