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2018 December 12   10:11

Full bonded area is opened in Port Bronka

At the 1st of December, the Full bonded area had been opened in St. Petersburg (Russia) in Port Bronka by Fenix LLC – the owner and the operator of Port Bronka, Port of Hamburg said in a press release.

The Full bonded area in Port Bronka has the yard ​​of more than 8000 qm, that includes open storage area, shed for cross-docking operation, weighing equipment, modern IT system and technical equipment.

Before now, when cargo was arrived at the port of St. Petersburg by sea, consignees had to move their cargo outside of the port even for the simplest operations with goods such as labeling, repacking, packaging, sorting and other. Consignees had to take into account the additional costs of such goods moving under customs transit procedure because two small existing bonded warehouses in the port are intended for the storage of ship’s supply service only.

Now customers have an opportunity to store goods for a long time without paying customs duties and taxes, to prepare goods for sale to new buyers, and to re-export goods abroad if required. These services are available at Full bonded area in Port Bronka as at the entry point for cargo to the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union.

Port of Bronka

Port Bronka is the only deep-water terminal in Big Port of St. Petersburg. It’s located in the South-West of St. Petersburg, outside the city down-town. The win-win location of Port Bronka is because of the direct access to the Ring Road and short approach channel (13 nautical miles from the pilot buoy). The railway station Bronka is connected to the port by 1.2 km rail track.

The current capacity of the port is 500 000 TEU and 130 000 units of rolling cargo per year. The further development plan includes an increase in container handling capacity up to 1.9 million TEU per year and 200 000 units of rolling cargo per year. Implementation of projects for development of railway and warehouse infrastructure at Port Bronka will increase the capacity up to 20 million tons by 2022.

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