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2020 January 16   11:26

Rosmorport summarizes results of its sailing ships's 2019 navigation season

Rosmorport says the Nadezhda training sailing ship returned to the seaport of Vladivostok on December 29. Earlier, in November, the Mir and the Khersones ended their sea cruises. Totally, in the period of the 2019 navigation the FSUE “Rosmorport” frigates have passed over 34,794 miles, and 1,307 cadets of the industry educational institutions underwent training aboard these sailing ships.

Today, a sailing ship is a strictly working mechanism with up-to-date equipment used on vessels of the 21st century. Modern sailing ships have radar stations, global positioning systems, the identification of vessels, their course and other data on their board. During the navigation training, cadets examined by tasting the nuances of life aboard the ships, sharpened their skills and knowledge: they developed life boat drills and all hands on deck, studied navigation and climbed the 50-meter masts and dealt with sails rolling.

Both knowledge and skills are very important for future sailors. The educational component of training turns up in open sea – knowledge to work within a team, keep the watch and be responsible for the life of their mates. This is necessary experience as to determine the position of a vessel by stars, bend knots and make sails.

At the international arena FSUE “Rosmorport” training sailing ships are a kind of ambassadors of culture. Every call at a foreign port shows the openness of our country and its achievements. This is always a big holiday. This year cadets took part in regattas, visited holidays in cities, international festivals in Japan, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Norway, Denmark and Vietnam. The Mir sailing ship participation in the Tall Ship Races 2019 international regatta became a landmark event. During the regatta, the sailing ship confirmed its title of the world’s fastest boat due to its way characteristics and the teamwork of crewmembers and cadets (the maximum speed of the ship under the sails has been officially registered at the mark of 21 knots or 38.9 km/h). Such impressions and skills remain for the life term and do not change cardinally.

During moorings in seaports, the frigate must work in a mode of open board when every person can visit the vessel and look at the lifestyle and work of crewmembers. Exhibitions and cultural events are held. Thus, crewmembers of the Nadezhda sailing ship prepared an interesting exposition in the Russian style for visitors of the 20th international festival of sailing ships, The Nagasaki Tall Ships Festival, in the Japanese city of Nagasaki. Foreign guests, especially young children, showed big interest in Russian art handicraft and folk costume.

Different entertainment and educational events expected cadets themselves ashore: children went sightseeing, visited museums, trained skills in foreign languages and talked to their peers. For example, in December the Nadezhda delegation attended the unique Russian school in Vietnam. Mostly children of Russian joint venture “Vietsovpetro” employees study attend this school.

Events that are no less important are held at home, in Russia. The participation of the Nadezhda and the Khersones sailing ships in the parades devoted to Navy Day was of high priority.

Upon completion of sea cruises cadets got navigation census for their further work in the specialty. However, training on the FSUE “Rosmorport” sailing ships is aimed at getting skills of maritime affairs. Cultivating love for the country, flag and fleet is the priority task in educating the young sailors.


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