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  3. Construction and assembly works started at Berth No. 2 of Murmansk seaport

2020 April 28   14:29

Construction and assembly works started at Berth No. 2 of Murmansk seaport

FSUE Rosmorport says a solemn ceremony to drive the first rabbet was held in the seaport of Murmansk at the end of March 2020 within the reconstruction of Berth No. 2.

The solemn ceremony involved the management of the FSUE “Rosmorport” Murmansk Branch and the Murmansk Commercial seaport, JSC that acts as a leaseholder of the berth and a general contractor of the reconstruction of this facility.

This is the first berth among berths, which are planned to be reconstructed in the seaport of Murmansk under an agreement on cooperation signed between FSUE “Rosmorport” and the Murmansk Commercial seaport, JSC within the framework of public private partnership. The agreement envisions the gradual reconstruction of hydraulic facilities in the seaport of Murmansk in order to increase the capacity of berths and accommodate vessels of big dimensions.

Within the works aimed at reconstructing Berth No. 2 utility networks are planned to be laid. Dredging operations are scheduled to be carried out in the operational water area of Berth No. 2 at an area of 2.28 ha to bring the seabed level to -14.8 meters. It is also planned to and cover skips at an area of 10.4 square meters. The implementation of this project will allow for getting additional capacities for receipt, storage and transshipment of coal on Berth No. 2. For its turn, it will create conditions for redistributing the total amount of cargoes, which is currently transshipped on Berth No. 4 in the seaport of Murmansk, and, subsequently, it will allow for reconstructing Berth No. 4.

The construction and assembly works to reconstruct Berth No. 2 are expected to be ended no later than the third quarter of 2021.

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