The terminal's annual throughput is to increase from current 2.5 million tonnes to 4 million tonnes
Glavgosexpertiza (Russia's Main Department of State Expertise) says it has performed the audit and approved the cost estimate for reconstruction of KSK Grain Terminal in the port of Novorossiysk.
KSK Grain Terminal has been operating since 2006. In 2012 it was incorporated by DeloPorts– a holding company that consolidates DELO-GROUP stevedore assets. An investment programme launched in 2019 foresees the development of the terminal through construction of a deep-water berth allowing it to accommodate ships of up to 100,000 tonnes in deadweight. Grain is delivered to the terminal by motor and rail transport from the Central Black Earth and North Caucasus economic regions.
The project under control of Glavgosexpertiza foresees reconstruction of the terminal aimed at raising the throughput from current 2.5 million tonnes to 4 million tonnes per year.
The works are to be held on the eastern shore of the Tsemesskaya Bay of the Black Sea. They will be financed bu FSUE Rosmorport and KSK Grain Terminal JSC. General designer – NovomorNIIproekt LLC.