The LNG trailing suction hopper dredger Ecodelta from Bagger- en Aannemingsmaatschappij Van der Kamp B.V. in Zwolle visits the Niestern Sander yard, the company said in its release. The Ecodelta has five LNG engines and four electric motors. The double-walled stainless steel tank holds 325 m3 (130 tons) of liquefied natural gas. The ship is 134.1 meters in length, 21.4 meters in width and has a maximum dredging depth of 45 meters.
The ship is familiar to Niestern Sander. She was built in 2018 together with Barkmeijer Stroobos. The ship is now back at the shipyard repairing two minor skin damages on the rear on port side. In addition, several small jobs are carried out. The ship is expected to leave the yard in two weeks.