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2020 October 14   17:39

Construction of ferry and passenger berth underway in Chukotka

By the order of FSUE “Rosmorport”, FUSE “Morspassluzhba” began installation of pales of berth No. 2 of the ferry and passenger berth under construction in the village of Ugolnye Kopi (Chukotka). At berth No. 1 d a front row sheet piling construction has been complete. The project is part of the federal project "Seaports of Russia" of the Comprehensive Plan for the Modernization and Expansion of Backbone Infrastructure until 2024, Rosmorport says in a press release.

The project envisages construction of three berths – cargo, cargo-passenger, and passenger one. At the moment, simultaneously with the installation of sheet piling of face wall of the pier number 1 the builders are preparing to dive anchor pales and loosen the face wall of the structure. They alsp began to pour stone into the "body" of the pier.

The developer's representatives – specialists of the Anadyr Branch of FSUE “Rosmorport” – carry out continuous monitoring of construction and construction control of the customer with the involvement of a specialized organization.

According to Aleksandr Druzhinin, Deputy Head of the Marine Service for Hydraulic Construction of the Morspassluzhba, the construction is on schedule, next week a construction excavator and backhoe loader will be delivered to the construction site, allowing a number of other works to be performed in parallel.

The project is planned to be implemented by the end of October 2021.

In order to comprehensively address the issue of ensuring reliable communication between the settlement Ugolnye Kopi and the city of Anadyr, in addition to the implementation of the above project, FSUE “Rosmorport” is currently designing the reconstruction of berth No. 7 on the right bank of the Anadyr Bay to create a cargo and passenger berth, which will also provide transportation across the firth.

Construction of the sea pier is included in the state program "Transport System Development". The facility will provide safe sea transportation across the Anadyr firth on the route Anadyr - settlement of Ugolnye Kopi, where the international airport Anadyr (Ugolnyi) is located. Currently, during the navigation period passengers and vehicles are transported between Anadyr and the village of Ugolnye Kopi by passenger boats, barges and hovercrafts, as well as helicopters. However, the left bank of the Anadyr estuary is not fully equipped for loading and unloading people and cars.

Together with the construction of berths coast protection slope type with a total length of 155.7 m will be created, as well as dredging in the bordering zone in volume of 3.7 thousand cubic meters. At the same time, a one-store administrative and household building and a checkpoint will be constructed.

The planned cargo turnover will amount to 6,000 wheeled vehicles per year: - 4,200 passenger cars; - 1,800 trucks. Passenger turnover – 20 thousand people per year.


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