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2020 October 19   10:40

First sections for ice-resistant platform LSP “A” shipped to outfitting yard

198 structures with a total weight of 1,200 tonnes shipped to the Kaliningrad Region

United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC) says that its Southern Center of Shipbuilding completed the manufacture of sections for 1а and 8а blocks of the LSP “A” substructure’s central part under the project on construction of ice-resistant platform intended for the development of the Kamennomysskoye-Sea gas field.

198 structures with a total weight of 1,200 tonnes will be delivered to the outfitting yard in the Kaliningrad Region where they will be assembled into the blocks.

The sections were manufacture by Krassniye Barrikady and ASPO facilities of USC’s Southern Center of Shipbuilding with a load distributed evenly among them.

The substructure components will be transported by special ships along the inland water ways of Russia. It will take about a fortnight to cover 4,040 kilometers of the route.

Ice-resistant platform LSP “A” was laid down under investment project of Gazprom in June 2020. It is intended for the development of the Kamennomysskoye-Sea gas field. It will consist of two main parts – substructure and superstructure. The structures placed on the platform will include, inter alia, main and auxiliary drilling modules, operational and energy complexes, and living quarters LSP “A” is being constructed under a 'distributed shipyard' principle. Several shipbuilding companies of Russia’s European part will build the platform modules which will be later delivered to Kaliningrad for assembly.

The platform will be more than 135 meters long, 69 meters wide, 41 meters tall from the base to the helicopter pad, and its weight will exceed 40,000 tons in total.

Under the contract, USC’s Southern Center of Shipbuilding is to build the central module of the substructure and auxiliary drilling and energy complex. The general contractor of the superblock is Ship Repair Center “Zvezdochka”.

The second batch of components for the central module of LSP “A” substructure is to be transported in April 2021.

The Kamennomysskoye-Sea gas field was discovered on the shelf in the Gulf of Ob in 2000. Its natural gas reserves are estimated at 550 billion cubic meters.

Related links:

Russia’s unique project on construction of Arctic platform under 'distributed shipyard' principle >>>>

Crane Marine Contractor to transport ice resistance platform from Astrakhan to Kaliningrad >>>>

Sevmash starts steel cutting for the block of Kamennomysskoye-Sea platform >>>>

Construction of ice-resistant platform for Gazprom’s field on Arctic shelf begins in Astrakhan >>>>

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