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2021 April 4   12:13

Deepwater container terminal: Huron-Wendat Nation supports Laurentia project

The Québec Port Authority (hereinafter “the QPA”) proudly and humbly welcomes the formal support of the Huron-Wendat Nation (hereinafter “the Nation”) - as expressed by the elected members of the Nation’s new Council and its Grand Chief, Rémy Vincent - for the Laurentia container terminal project in Québec City, the Port of Québec press release said.

For the Nation, it was essential that the new Council and its Grand Chief, who were elected last October, have an opportunity to analyze the impacts and spinoffs of the future Port of Québec container terminal before reiterating their support. The QPA sees this renewed support as the fruit of a strong relationship built on trust, dialogue, and mutual respect and as tangible proof of the positive spinoffs for the Nation.

Over the past few years, the Nation’s and the QPA’s teams of experts have worked together to evaluate the Laurentia project’s impacts and benefits for the Huron-Wendat Nation. This is to ensure that the Nation’s knowledge is factored into the QPA’s activities. In addition, Huron-Wendat technicians have participated in certain biological studies carried out as part of the environmental assessment for the project.

This collaboration demonstrates the QPA’s genuine desire to integrate the Nation’s concerns, expertise, and knowledge. The climate of trust and strong ties the parties have forged have led the Huron-Wendat Nation to formally reiterate its support for the Laurentia project.

Mario Girard, President and CEO, Québec Port Authority said: “The QPA welcomes this renewed support as a strong testimony to the relationship of trust, collaboration, and respect that we have with the Huron-Wendat Nation. For us, respect for the environment and biodiversity are paramount, and the same is true for the Council of elected officials. We are proud that the Nation has recognized our efforts in this regard. I would like to warmly thank Grand Chief Rémy Vincent for this invaluable support.” -

Rémy Vincent, Grand Chief, Huron-Wendat Nation comments: “For the Huron-Wendat Nation, it was vital to take the time to analyze all aspects of the Laurentia project before reiterating our support. Today we proudly express our support to our long-time partner, the Port of Québec, for this large-scale, environmentally friendly project that will also benefit our Huron-Wendat businesses.”

About the Huron-Wendat Nation
When the first European explorers arrived in the 16th century, the Huron-Wendat Nation was already inhabiting the land stretching from the Great Lakes to the Gulf of St. Lawrence, including the big village of Stadacona, where Québec City stands today. From time immemorial to the present day, the Huron-Wendat—skilled diplomats and masters of trade and alliances—have carried on their traditional practices on this site.

About the Québec Port Authority
The Québec Port Authority is an arm’s-length federal agency constituted under the Canada Marine Act. The ships that pass through the Port are central to a supply chain that carries approximately $20 billion in goods each year. The Port of Québec is a maritime hub that generates and supports over 13,000 direct and indirect jobs according to the latest KPMG/SECOR study.

About Laurentia   
With a joint $775 million investment from Hutchison Ports, CN, and the Port of Québec, Laurentia will be the greenest deepwater container terminal in North America. It will provide the fastest and most cost-effective access to North American markets by opening a new marine highway between Southeast Asia and the Port of Québec as of 2024.  

The Laurentia project will create 7,000 direct, indirect, and induced jobs (equal to 1,750 full-time jobs per year) in Canada during the 2021–2024 construction phase and another 1,000 indirect, induced, and high-paid direct jobs in Canada once commissioned. It will also improve and secure the supply chain and create export opportunities for Quebec and Canada as a whole.

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