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2021 May 20   11:57

Marine Recruiting Agency offers new course on navigation

In the midst of the navigation season, Marine Recruiting Agency LLC (MRA) and All-Russian Public Organization “Russian Rescuers Union” launched the Small Craft Navigation course. Throughout a month, the course participants will master operation of small-size crafts, boats and water scooters.

The programme includes ‘Theory and structure of small-size crafts’, ‘Power plants and their operation’, ‘navigation’, ‘Ensuring security on water’. The coursework is arranged in the MRA Training Center in workday evenings with the practice in the training water area of a yacht club in the Gulf of Finland on weekends.

Upon completion of the course, the trainees hold a knowledge examination at State Inspectorate for Small Vessels. Those aged 18 and up are allowed to take the examinations upon providing a medical fitness certificate. The course leaver obtain a state licence for operation of small-size crafts, boats and water scooters in Russia:

- in the territorial sea and inland waters of the Russian Federation regulated by the international rules for preventing collisions at sea;

- at inland water ways regulated by the rules for IWW navigation;

- at non-navigational inland water bodies.

The nearest courses start on May 26 and on June 9 with registration available till May 24 and June 8 at the company’s website, by email mka-r@seaport.spb.ru or by telephone: +7 (812) 714-95-60 extension number 5602, +7 (921) 309-75-15.

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