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2021 May 26   11:04

Rosneft commences construction of Sever Bay Port oil terminal

Image source: Rosneft
Some 20,000 tonnes of cargo delivered to Taymyr by ice-class ships

Rosneft says it has commenced the construction of Sever Bay Port oil terminal in the north of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

The works are being conducted in the framework of the company’s Vostok Oil project.

Specialists of the United Power-Engineering Corporation have arrived on the Taymyr peninsula to arrange the construction works.  Ice-class ships have delivered some 20,000 tonnes of cargo including heavy construction equipment, communications equipment, rotators' camp facilities and materials.

The Sever Bay project developed by LENMORNIIPROEKT had passed all the expert reviews.

The next step is to build hydraulic engineering facilities, storage facilities for materials and resources as well as berthing facilities in the Yenisei Bay.

When completed, the first phase will let ship up to 30 million tonnes of oil per year. With the completion of the second and the third phases by 2030, annual oil shipments will be raised to 100 million tonnes.

The resource base of the Vostok Oil project exceeds 6 billion tonnes of premium low-sulphur oil which accounts for just a quarter of the average volume under new large projects worldwide. Wind power generation and associated petroleum gas will be used to supply power to Vostok Oil facilities.

To arrange shipment of the product Zvezda shipyard was ordered to build a series of 10 tankers of Arc7 ice class.  A total of 50 ships including takers, gas carries and support ships are to be built for implementation of the Vostok Oil project. Besides, a long-term contract has been signed for supply of 100 drilling units of domestic origin to be used at the fields under the project.

In all, the project foresees the construction of electric power facilities with a total capacity of 3.6 GW,  two airports, two sea terminals, 15 towns to house oilfield workers as well as large-scale mot of the Yenisey river infrastructure. Implementation of the Vostok Oil projectwill give an impetus to the development of related sectors such as machine engineering, metal industry, electric power industry, road construction, shipbuilding. It will ensure a considerable multiplicative effect.

LENMORNIIPROEKT is among the three largest Russian companies designing seaports, terminals and transport systems. It took part in construction, reconstruction and modernization of almost all seaports of Russia: from Sakhalin to Kaliningrad and from Novorossiysk to Spitzbergen.

Related links:

Sever Bay Port terminal obtains state expert approval>>>>

Rosneft completed survey and design stage of the project to a port in Sever Bay >>>>


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