FESCO Transportation Group expands the geography of its domestic routes and launches a regular container train FESCO Neva Baikal Shuttle from St. Petersburg to Irkutsk.
The first train left station St. Petersburg – Finlyandskiy on October 3, 2021.
Transit time to the station of destination Irkutsk – Sortirovochniy is 6 days. Frequency of departures – once a week. Planned volume of transportations is 500 TEUs per month. The basis of cargo flow of the new service will be formed by consumer goods.
This is the fourth FESCO train service from St. Petersburg – regular dispatches to Vladivostok, Novosibirsk and Khabarovsk are also available to our customers.
The service is focused on transportation of imported goods arriving in ports of St. Petersburg by sea services, as well as on domestic transportations from north-western regions of Russia to the Far East.