Sea Terminal “CoalStar” LLC has developed a declaration of intent to invest almost RUB 60 billion in construction of seaport “Aurora” with annual capacity of 35 million tonnes. According to the press center of the Primorsky Territory, the terminal is to be located in the Bezymyannaya Bay.
The project is to be implemented by 2030. The project will generate almost 450 jobs.
“Approximate production capacity of the terminal is 35 million tonnes per year. Planned period of the project implementation – 2025-2030. The production facility will need introduction of almost 450 new jobs”, said the Ministry of Transport and Road Industry of the Primorsky Territory.
Parallel to the port construction the works will be performed on reconstruction of transport infrastructure.
Experts say that will be a modern facility complying with current standards on environmental and industry safety.
Related link:
CoalStar to spread its light at ports of Primorye>>>>