In January-February 2022, seaports of Russia handled 136.7 million tonnes of cargo, up 6.8%, year-on-year, says the Federal Marine and River Transport Agency (Rosmorrechflot).
In the reported period, handling of dry cargo totaled 62.2 million tonnes (+2.2%), liquid bulk cargo - 74.5 million tonnes (+11.0%).
It should be noted that a year ago two-month throughput amid the pandemic period fell by 3.2%, year-on-year, to 128.3 million tonnes mainly due to the fall of liquid bulk cargo handling. This year result looks quite positive versus the same period of 2020 when January-February handling showed a slight increase of 0.7% to 132.38 million tonnes.
An absolute leader in terms of dynamics was the Actic Basin with its 9-pct growth to 16.3 million tonnes including 4.2 million tonnes of dry bulk cargo (+4.9%) and 12.1 million tonnes of liquid bulk cargo (+10.4%).
Throughput of seaports in the Baltic Basin rose by 7.5% to 41.9 million tonnes including 17.4 million tonnes of dry bulk cargo (-1.9%) and 24.5 million tonnes of liquid bulk cargo (+15.3%).
Throughput of seaports in the Azov-Black Sea Basin rose by 8.4%, year-on-year, to 42.3 million tonnes including 17.5 million tonnes of dry bulk cargo (+2.2%) and 24.8 million tonnes of liquid bulk cargo (+13.4%).
Throughput of seaports in the Caspian Basin totaled 0.9 million tonnes (-25.7%) including 0.4 million tonnes of dry bulk cargo (-7.5%) and 0.5 million tonnes of liquid bulk cargo (-36.0%).
Throughput of seaports in the Far East Basin rose by 4.3% to 35.3 million tonnes including 22.7 million tonnes of dry bulk cargo (+5.3%) and 12.6 million tonnes of liquid bulk cargo (+2.6%).