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  3. Rosatom issued first five permits for navigation in NSR waters within summer-autumn season of 2022

2022 July 1   10:21

Rosatom issued first five permits for navigation in NSR waters within summer-autumn season of 2022

Rosatom State Atomic Energy Corporation says it has issued the first five permits for passage in the waters of the Northern Sea Route in summer-autumn period of 2022. Three of them are valid until October, two – until September 2022.

It became possible under the Federal Law “On Amending Article 51 of the Merchant Shipping Code of the Russian Federation and the Federal Law "On the Rosatom State Nuclear Energy Corporation” which has come into effect.

"That is a historic event for us, since thase are the first permits issued after introduction of legislative amendments. As of today, about 100 shipowners’ applications for permits are under consideration. All requests will be processed within 10 days from the moment of submission in compliance with the Rules of Navigation in the waters of the Northern Sea Route. I am sure our future work with permits will run without interruption failures and with the maximum comfort for shipowners," said Maksim Kulinko, Deputy Director of Rosatom’s NSR Directorate.

It is the Northern Sea Route Directorate of Rosatom which currently issues permits for passage in the waters of the Northern Sea Route. It is a temporary measure before FSBI Main Directorate of the Northern Sea Route is set up. It will administer shipping in the Northern Sea Route. The need to amend the legislation became evident after the analysis of the situation with the risk of cargo delivery disruption in November 2021. The prevent such situations it was decided to concentrate all the authorities on administering the NSR navigation within a single center. Rosatom, with its nuclear-powered icebreakers, information platform for escort operations and competent personnel, was acknowledged as the best candidate for that role.

The Federal Law also stipulates that the organisation of navigation in the waters of the Northern Sea Route will also include the provision of information on the hydrometeorological, ice and navigational situation in the waters of the Northern Sea Route, assistance in organising operations to relieve the consequences of pollution from ships with hazardous substances, and monitoring the movement of ships.

Rosatom is in charge of issuance of permits for navigation in the waters of the Northern Sea Route, as well as suspension, renewal, and termination of such permits and amendments to such permits will be carried out by the Rosatom State Atomic Energy Corporation or its subordinate organisation.

Besides, Rosatom is given the functions of the founder and the authority to exercise in the name of the Russian Federation the rights of the owner of property by virtue of the federal state budgetary institution created for organizing the navigation of vessels in the waters of the Northern Sea Route under the RF Government’s decision. Rosatom is currently completing the process on setting up FSBI Main Directorate of the Northern Sea Route.

Related links:

Vladimir Putin signs law on Rosatom’s authority to manage navigation on the Northern Sea Route >>>>

State Duma grants Rosatom more authority to manage navigation on the Northern Sea Route >>>>

RF President orders to formalize Rosatom’s powers on administering NSR and organizing navigation within its waters >>>>

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