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2022 November 2   15:02

Segezha Group commences shipment of export cargo by North-South ITC to Indian port of Nhava Sheva

The company will use North-South ITC along with the Northern Sea Route

Segezha Group (asset of Sistema Joint Stock Financial Corporation) says it has commenced transporting its export cargo by North-South international transport corridor (ITC). The first batch of birch plywood was transported from Kirov to Indian port of Nhava Sheva in October 2022. The group is currently engaged in shipment of the next batch of cargo, says press center of Segezha Group.

The logistics scheme provides for cargo transportation from Vyatka Plywood Mill in Kirov to Astrakhan, then to Iranian port of Bandar Enzeli and across the territory of Iran to its southern port of Bandar Abbas, and then to Indian port of Nhava Sheva in the south of Mumbai.

“We commence an active practical use of the international transport corridor North-South along with the Northern Sea Route. It is a promising direction for the expansion of our further cooperation with Iran, South Asia and the Persian Gulf region. In the future, North-South ITC will let considerably improve our logistics,” said Andrey Yudin, Logistics Director of Segezha Group.

North-South international transport corridor (ITC) is a 7,200-kilometre-long transport artery from St Petersburg to ports in Iran and India. North-South ITC has a western and an eastern branch, both running across Iran. The western one foresees cargo transportation by road via Rasht, the eastern one – by railway. The end point in Iran is the port of Bandar Abbas from which cargo can be delivered to India by sea. The western branch also crosses Azerbaijan, the eastern one – Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan. Besides, direct water transportation from Russia to Iran by the Caspian Sea is possible.

Segezha Group Russia's leading vertically integrated holding timber company performing a full cycle of operations from logging to advanced wood processing. The company is represented in the markets of over 100 countries. Its personnel numbers about 20 thousand people.

Related link:

North-South cargo flows to grow by 135% to 32.5 million tonnes by 2030 ‒ Mikhail Mishustin>>>>

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