Over RUB 87 million is allocated annually for the purchase and delivery of 3 million tonnes of cargo
The Ministry for the Development of the Russian Far East and Arctic has submitted the Draft Federal Law on Northern Delivery to RF Government. The document foresees a principally new system of the Northern Delivery, introduces the concept of the Northern Delivery and distributes responsibilities among different levels of authorities, says the Ministry.
The document has been considered by the Council for the Development of the Far East, Arctic and Antarctic, the State Duma Committee for the Development of the Far East and Arctic with the involvement of the Far East and Arctic Development Corporation, expert community and representatives of the Far North. The Draft Law has been approved by 25 entities of the Russian Federation and ad hoc ministries and agencies.
The law is to provide for establishment of a single operator, for cargo categorization, making the list of transport and logistics facilities and financing of this network maintenance. Besides, the federal monitoring and control system is to be created as well as single procurement platform to ensure accumulation of large batches.
The Ministry for the Development of the Russian Far East and Arctic is to serve as a single oordinator of the Northern Delivery.
As of today, the Northern Delivery covers 25 regions of Russia with the populating exceeding 3 million people. Over RUB 87 million is allocated annually for the purchase and delivery of 3 million tonnes of cargo.