Handling of dry cargo fell by 2.6%, handling of liquid bulk cargo rose by 3.7%
In January-November 2022, seaports of Russia handled 768.546 million tonnes of cargo, up 0.6%, year-on-year, says the Federal Marine and River Transport Agency (Rosmorrechflot).
In the reported period, handling of dry cargo totaled 369.2 million tonnes (-2.6%), liquid bulk cargo — 399.7 million tonnes (+3.7%).
Throughput of seaports in the Arctic Basin rose by 3.7% to 89.9 million tonnes including 26.8 million tonnes of dry bulk cargo (-0.1%) and 63.1 million tonnes of liquid bulk cargo (+5.4%).
Throughput of seaports in the Baltic Basin totaled 225.2 million tonnes (-2.3%) including 88.4 million tonnes of dry bulk cargo (-18.3%) and 136.8 million tonnes of liquid bulk cargo (+11.8%).
Throughput of seaports in the Azov-Black Sea Basin increased by 1.9% to 238.3 million tonnes. Handling of dry bulk cargo totaled 109.3 million tonnes (+4.8%), liquid bulk cargo — 129 million tonnes (-0.4%).
Throughput of seaports in the Caspian Basin dropped by 17% to 5.4 million tonnes including 2.8 million tonnes of dry bulk cargo (+18.4%) and 2.6 million tonnes of liquid bulk cargo (-37.4%).
Throughput of seaports in the Far East Basin rose by 1.6% to 209.4 million tonnes including 141.9 million tonnes of dry bulk cargo (+3.2%) and 67.5 million tonnes of liquid bulk cargo (-1.7%).