Details have been received of yesterday's rescue by the crew of the ship Oboronlogistics Pizhma (flag – Russian Federation, home port – Novorossiysk) of passengers of a yacht in distress in the Aegean Sea, says Oboronlogistics.
On June 19, 2023, at 01:10, the vessel Pizhma, which was traveling in the Aegean Sea accompanied by the frigate of the Northern Fleet of the Russian Navy Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Gorshkov, received from the Maritime Rescue Coordination Center (MSCC) Piraeus received radio information about the distress of a small vessel. The ship Pizhma turned out to be the closest to him. The crew reported the information to the head of Oboronlogistics and proceeded to the disaster site. All further actions of the crew were carried out under the direct supervision of the General Director of Oboronlogistics.
At 01:20, a court-wide alert was announced. Pizhma set a course towards the place indicated by the MSCC Piraeus and at 02:30 approached the yacht Avalon in distress, sailing under a foreign flag. On approach, the crew observed red distress rockets.
The rescue operation was carried out at night in difficult weather conditions: north wind up to 15 m/s, waves up to 3-4 m. Despite the emergency situation, the crew of Pizhma acted promptly, competently, smoothly and professionally.
The condition of the yacht was critical. With a strong gale-force wind, she was thrown from side to side by a wave. The first attempts to approach failed. There was a risk of damage to the ship's structures by the yacht's mast.
At 04:10, an attempt was made to approach the yacht with the stern. The yacht was moored to the port side. The crew of the Pizhma lowered the ladder and began to receive people.
At 04:30, the rescue of people ended. There were 68 of them. Negotiations began with the MSCC Piraeus and the Coast Guard about the fate of the yacht (due to stormy conditions, it was not possible to tow it). The owner of the yacht Avalon could not be identified.
At 05:30, an order was received from the Moscow Maritime Center Piraeus to leave the yacht to drift, and to land people in the bay of Kalymnos. Pizhma gave full forward speed and at 07:40 arrived in the bay of Kalymnos, where she drifted. At 07:45, a Greek Coast Guard boat approached the port side to receive people.
At 08:10, the rescue operation was completed, and the Tansy proceeded to its destination – Tartus.
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