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2015 May 19   14:12

Vitaly Klyuev gives a presentation in the Netherlands

Vitaly Klyuev, the official Russian candidate for the IMO Secretary-General post held a presentation on the current IMO issues and his vision of the development of the organization. The presentation took place in Noordwijkerhout (the Netherlands) on May 19, 2015.

The meeting was attended by the IMO Member States representatives responsible for port state control. Vitaly Klyuev introduced his maritime and diplomatic background, the scope of his current responsibilities in Russia, with its 68 seaports having access to three oceans, over 60 bilateral maritime agreements and most of the IMO conventions implemented.

“IMO is a member driven organization. Any decisions should be taken only by the Member States and implemented through the established procedures. The IMO role according to the UN Convention on IMO is to develop technical standards for shipping which should be global and universal”, Klyuev highlighted.

The immediate IMO tasks according to Klyuev are to minimize the paperwork load on shipmasters, improve the adoption of regulations and their implementation schemes through the analysis of the regulations effect before adoption and after implementation. IMO should continue the reforms initiated by the current Secretary-General and it is possible to keep them within the current budget of the Organization, said Klyuev. According to him, IMO needs to introduce a quality management system in the Secretariat and to formalize the Secretariat team responsibilities.

The sub-committee agendas and activity should be verified and adjusted to avoid any overlapping and running the documents in a circle between sub-committees. "The Secretariat should play an active role in the involvement of all the parties concerned to the development of new documents and establish an efficient scheme of communication even with the smallest Member States", Klyuev concluded.

The Russian delegation from the Paris MOU 48 PSC Committee, which is held this week in the Netherlands, expressed full support for the Klyuev’s candidature for the post of the IMO Secretary-General on behalf of the Russian maritime community and stressed that Mr. Klyuev’s background, knowledge and experience make him the most suitable candidate to the role of the Organization leader.


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