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2015 July 16   16:34

ZIM to enhance its Asia-East Med services

ZIM’s Asia-Med services, which include the well established EMX (East Med Express) and AME (Asia India subcontinent East Med), will be enhanced with the with new AME rotation, due to commence July 27th, as follows:
Ningbo-Shanghai-Da Chan Bay-Port Kelang-Cochin-Nhava Sheva-Mundra-Haifa-Ashdod-Alexandria-Mersin-Xiamen
AME will deploy 8 vessels and introduce a significantly improved transit time with a round trip of 56 days compared with 63 days currently. The new rotation includes the following advantages:
 Shorter transit time both West and East bound (e.g. Shanghai – Ashdod transit time will be improved by 7 days)
 increased schedule reliability
 Exclusive direct call – Asia - Mersin
 2 weekly calls to Israel (calling both Haifa and Ashdod)
 Smooth Synchronized connection to ZIM Global and Regional network


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