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2016 April 27   18:07

IMO adopts binding system for CO2 data collection

The German Shipowners’ Association (VDR) endorses the resolution adopted by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) to make it mandatory in future for all vessels to record their CO2 emissions.

“In Paris, the community of states reached a consensus in December on climate protection targets within national borders – now the IMO member states have adopted the same policy for vessels sailing the global seas,” said Ralf Nagel, Chief Executive Officer of the VDR. “The fact that all states on the IMO Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) have adopted the mandatory CO2 data collection policy despite the controversial discussion involved once again underscores the ability of the IMO to act as a global legislator for maritime shipping.”

The resolution provides for shipping companies to transmit data on fuel consumption, distances travelled and the number of operating hours of their vessels via the respective flag state of the ships to the IMO in London for evaluation purposes.

“It's important first of all to have the CO2 data of all ships collected and analysed by the IMO. Only if we have sound, solid data does the discussion really make sense regarding suitable objectives and measures to reduce the already low CO2 footprint of maritime shipping even further,” said Nagel.

The official acceptance of the addendum to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) by the MEPC in October is considered to be a mere formality.

Mandatory climate protection regulations already apply to maritime vessels today. According to the relevant rules, newbuilds will need to meet ever increasing efficiency standards step by step and will be using 30% less fuel per ton-kilometre from the year 2025. Additional factors are parameters laid down for energy-efficient ship operation.

Maritime vessels are the most efficient means of transport available. With ships reflecting an average age of nine years (world fleet: 14 years), German shipping companies are reported to have one of the world's most modern maritime fleets.

The German Shipowners' Association (Verband Deutscher Reeder, VDR) is responsible for representing the common business and social policy interests of German shipping companies at federal and state government level as well as in relation to European and international bodies. The VDR was founded in 1907 and merged with the Association of German Coastal Shipowners (Verband der Deutschen Küstenschiffseigner) in 1994. With approximately 220 members, the German Shipowners' Association represents the lion’s share of the German merchant navy. Further particulars are available at www.reederverband.de.


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