The biennial Singapore Maritime Technology Conference and Exhibition 2017 organised by the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore will be held in conjunction with Singapore Maritime Week 2017. The organizers say the event scheduled for 26-28 April 2017 will comprise the 5th International Port-Maritime Technology Conference (MTEC) 2017 and the 2nd Singapore Maritime Technology Conference (SMTC) 2017.
MTEC is a biennial technical conference series held alternately between Singapore and Norway. MTEC 2017 is organised by the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA), Research Council of Norway, Singapore Maritime Institute and SINTEF, partnering the National University of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University, Ngee Ann Polytechnic and Singapore Polytechnic.
SMTC aims to profile and showcase Singapore’s international standing in maritime and port technology and R&D; demonstrate thought leadership on the latest developments, products, services and application in the maritime industry and create partnerships and collaborations amongst researchers, academics, engineers and professionals in the maritime and port industries.
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