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2019 February 13   17:46

OLT Offshore LNG Toscana Regasification Terminal works at almost full capacity

OLT Offshore LNG Toscana Regasification Terminal says is working at almost 100% of its capacity. After less than one year from the implementation of the new allocation mechanism via auction, OLT reached several important results which confirm its contribution to the Italian security and diversification of sources of supply, in line with the Proposal of Energy and Climate Plan. In particular, thanks to the new allocation mechanism, from October 2018, 38 out of 41 slots available in the Gas Years 2018/2019 have been allocated, coming from 6 different c ountries, for a total of about 5,848,343 liquid m3 of capacity allocated, equivalent to about 92% of the annual regasification capacity of the Terminal.

First through the introduction of the Regasification and Storage Bundled service, which allowed the allocation of the regasification capacity via auction, and then through the definitive replacement of the previous allocation mechanism with the new auction system, our Country was able to receive LNG from all over the world. Indeed, this new capacity allocation procedure is able to intercept the market requests, especially in the short period.

The new path undertaken by the company demonstrates how OLT’s business flexibility, combined with operative adaptability of the Terminal, make “FSRU Toscana” an anchor for the Italian security of supply. The plant can receive different types of gas, guaranteeing a geographic coverage from Europe to America, up to Africa to the Middle East, being able to accept about 90% of LNG carriers available on the market (“New Panamax” class, with a cargo capacity up to about 180,000 liquid m3 ). Furthermore, it has to be highlighted that from the beginning of the commercial operations, the Terminal has received GNL from 10 different countries (Algeria, Cameroon, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Nigeria, Norway, Peru, Qatar, Trinidad & Tobago, United States), and cargoes coming from other European terminals (Dutch and Spaniards). Finally, during the period October 2018 - January 2019, the Terminal has always been able to allow the discharge operation even in case of bad weather conditions.

“We are really satisfied with these results – the company commented – this is not meant to be an end point but a standard which OLT intends to maintain, within the limits of its power. From the engineering and technologic point of view, we are also ready to implement the Small Scale LNG service, which will enable us to provide a relevant contribution to make heavy marine and terrestrial transport realistically sustainable”.


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