The services, related to the activity of the port’s towboats, become more high-speed and simplified in the Port of Klaipėda. This is enabled by the modernized shipping line management information system (LUVIS).
The application of the work organisation of the port towboats was created under the order of the public institution Klaipėda State Seaport Authority. Henceforth, paper documentation in this segment is being replaced by the electronic format, this really optimises the works, saves time and expenditure. Two towboat companies - Towmar Baltic UAB and Klasco Towage Assistance AB - perform their activity in the port.
"The infrastructure being developed, the increasing load and speed of loading also influence the segment of towboat services – it is necessary to provide the towing services quicker and on time. Bigger ships arrive to the port, the idle time of which in the port is expensive and there isn’t much time for filling the paper documents. Also, when big ships pass each other in the canal, there emerged the necessity of providing the towing services for several ships at the same time. These and other circumstances matured an idea of speeding up the formation of the services of the port towboats in a different way other than transferring and accepting the documents near the side of the high ship", – says Gediminas Rubys, the director of Klasco Towage Assistance AB.
According to him, at the moment, it can be already stated that the module of towing services operates perfectly well and the companies, providing port towing services, were convinced that it is proper solution saving expensive time of port towboats and increasing the efficiency of the towboat services.
"We are glad that the Port Authority initiated this, as it was a necessary step towards process digitalisation. Undoubtedly, the benefit of mobile application will be universal, as we will avoid long-lasting document formation during the ship mooring, the quality and speed of the transferred information will improve", – states the head of Towmar Baltic UAB, Tomas Zabulionis.
Henceforth, the work becomes simplified not only for the towboat companies, but also for port customers and captains of arriving ships.
"We regularly develop the existing information systems of the port, we implement innovative solutions for making the services of the Port of Klaipėda attractive. On purpose of having the competitive advantage of the port, we try to keep pace with innovations", – says the head of the Department of Technology of Klaipėda State Seaport Authority, Algimantas Žygus.
LUVIS system was modernized by CGI Lithuania UAB. Two thirds of the price of the project was paid by the towboat companies operating in the port.
LUVIS system is intended for managing the shipping line processes of big and small ships in the port, for the registration of port dues, data information systems of other institutions and provision of electronic services using the one-stop principle. This system is being regularly modernised by increasing the efficiency of the port’s activity.