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  3. Russian President signed Executive Order on sale of 65% of CDB Iceberg’s shares to Modern Shipbuilding Technologies

2020 April 24   11:57

Russian President signed Executive Order on sale of 65% of CDB Iceberg’s shares to Modern Shipbuilding Technologies

The decision is to facilitate the development of the Northern Sea Route

Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed an Executive Order on the sale of 65.49% of CDB Iceberg’s shares owned by FSUE Krylov State Research Center to Modern Shipbuilding Technologies (a company headquartered in Moscow). The document dated 23.04.2020 (No 284) has been buplished on the official portal for legal information.

According to the statement, the decision is targeted at the development of shipbuilding, enhancing the efficiency of Russia’s continental shelf development in the Far East and the Arctic and support of the Northern Sea Route (NSR).

RF Government is instructed to ensure the implementation within a 6-month period.

The document comes into effect from the moment of signing.

The document is available in Russian >>>>

In early September 2019, Russia’s federal portal for legal information published a draft executive order of RF President developed by the Ministry of Industry and Trade “On creation of a unified cluster for the development of Arctic shipbuilding”. According to the explanatory note, the draft document was aimed at integration of Zvezda Shipbuilding Complex and Iceberg Design Bureau under the auspices of Modern Shipbuilding Technologies (MST JSC) as well as at creation of a unified cluster of Arctic shipbuilding.

The draft decree provided for the sale of 65.49% of CDB Iceberg’s authorised capital held by FSUE Krylov State Research Center (34,523 ordinary shares held under economic management of KSRC  and 12,495 preferred shares) to MST.

Established in 1947, Iceberg Design Bureau is a general designer of all nuclear-powered icebreakers. It designed special communication ships for the Defence Ministry of USSR (Project 1941, Ural, with nuclear propulsion and Project 1826) and Russia (Project 18280 – Yury Ivanov and Ivan Khurs).

Related link:

Ministry of Industry and Trade drafted Presidential Decree on Integration of Zvezda and Iceberg into Modern Shipbuilding Technologies JSC  >>>>

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