100 Northeast Florida small business leaders participated in JAXPORT’s third annual Small and Emerging Business Appreciation Day. The virtual event connected area small businesses with valuable training and resources to help them compete in today’s virtual business environment.
The event included a procurement panel with representatives from Jacksonville’s public agencies, advice for navigating the federal relief programs currently in place to help small businesses during the pandemic, and tips for creating a systematic approach for connecting with procurement opportunities throughout the city virtually and in person.
Jacksonville City Councilman and small business advocate Terrance Freeman also discussed steps the Jacksonville City Council is taking to enhance the City of Jacksonville’s Small and Emerging Business (JSEB) program.
“Councilmember Pittman, Councilmember Dennis, and myself came together in sub-committee and we spent the last five or six months taking a deep dive into the JSEB program,” said Councilman Freeman. “I’m excited about all of the business and growth that’s going to come in the next couple of years and we are working to ensure that you in this room and other small business leaders in our city are positioned to really take advantage of those opportunities.”
“Just like JAXPORT is an economic engine for our region, our small businesses are the backbone of Jacksonville’s economy,” said JAXPORT City Council Liaison Ron Salem. “The success of our small businesses is vital to the economic health of our city and we will continue to work to support their needs and growth.”
“JAXPORT works closely with the City and the other agencies to ensure that our small businesses are included in all of the big things that we’re doing to grow Northeast Florida’s position in the global economy,” said JAXPORT CEO Eric Green. “It’s a city-wide effort and we are proud to be a part of it.”
“We want small businesses to know that there are opportunities here for them,” said JAXPORT Small and Emerging Business Programs Coordinator Brian Williams. “Our goal is to be at the forefront of connecting our small businesses with the resources they need to grow their businesses and be successful.”
JAXPORT promotes equal access to all procurement contracts. During the past six years, JAXPORT payments for work by certified Jacksonville Small and Emerging Businesses (JSEB) have topped $31 million.