Nizhny Novgorod, Russia based Alexeev’s Hydrofoil Design Bureau says it laid down the third and the forth passenger hydrofoils of Meteor 120R design on 28 December 2021.
Thus, the shipyard of the design bureau will simultaneously build three hydrofoils.
The second Meteor the construction of which meets the schedule will be delivered to Severrechflot for operation in Khanty-Mansiisk Autonomous District.
The lead river-going passenger hydrofoil of Project 03580, Meteor 120R, was launched on 3 August 2021.
Alexeev’s Hydrofoil Design Bureau emphasized that construction of the Meteor 120R meets the schedule despite the challenging epidemiological situation. In August 2021, the lead ship is to be demonstrated during the ceremonial events dedicated to 800th anniversary of Nizhny Novgorod.
Serial production of Meteors of previous design ceased in 2007. About 400 ships were launched between 1961 and 1991. The remaining Meteors of RRR’s Lake Class currently have no alternatives in ill-roaded areas of Siberia and the Far East. However, their service life has almost expired: all of them are 40 years old and more.
The hydrofoil of the modernized design, Meteor 120R, will continue the series that had proved itself to be reliable and economically viable in operation.
JSC Alekseev`s Design Bureau builds high-speed civil, dual-purpose and military vehicles based on various hydrodynamic principles. These are hovercraft and hydrofoils, air cavity craft and gliding boats with different bottom configuration, multipurpose platforms and ekranoplanes.
Related links:
Alexeev’s Hydrofoil Design Bureau lays down second passenger hydrofoil of Meteor 120R design>>>>
Alexeev’s Design Bureau lays down lead passenger hydrofoil of Meteor 120R design >>>>
Alekseyev Central Hydrofoil Design Bureau to build four Meteor 120R hydrofoils for Severrechflot >>>>
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