Next year a trial will start at the Sif factory on the Maasvlakte, in which green hydrogen is produced from wind power. The monopile producer is working on this together with Pondera, KCI the engineers and GE Renewable Energy, according to the Port of Rotterdam's release.
These companies have signed a memorandum of understanding. The AmpHytrite project aims to ‘get a grip’ on the production of green hydrogen at sea.
It consists of three phases. The first is a feasibility study into offshore offgrid production of green hydrogen. The second phase consists of developing and building a production unit that will be placed near the Sif factory on the Maasvlakte. This will run exclusively on the power generated by the Haliade wind turbine.
This GE wind turbine is located on the Sif site. The plan is to produce 750 tons of green hydrogen a year. The aim of the second phase is to arrive at a proof of concept. The third phase consists of scaling up the concept in order to apply it on a full scale in a wind farm at sea.