61% of the field area is located in Sharapov Shar Bay, the Kara Sea

Taking into account a detailed technical and economic comparison of various options, the company will determine the optimal scheme for collecting, drying and transporting gas, the number of integrated gas treatment units, the concept of developing a booster complex, the degree of processing and logistics for the sale of liquid hydrocarbons.
The Yamal’s Kruzenshternskoye field is regarded as an important resource base for ensuring promising gas supplies to the domestic and foreign markets. The maximum production volume from the Cenomanian gas deposit of the field is estimated at 33 billion cbm per year.
The deposit is characterized by the most difficult geocryological conditions of construction. 61% of the area is located in the Sharapov Shar Bay of the Kara Sea. There is intense thermal abrasion along the entire length of the coast, the destruction of permafrost rocks of the coastline under the influence of water waves. The multi-well pad construction technologies used at other fields on the Yamal Peninsula are not applicable on the large area. A team of scientists and engineers focused on finding the optimal design of artificial island structures.
“This will be the company's first experience in development of offshore fields using land reclamation technologies. The work is extremely complex and serious, but this is not an obstacle for our team,” said Igor Melnikov, Director General, Gazprom Dobycha Nadym.
It is planned to build overall 12 well pads, with seven of them on artificial islands directly in the waters of the Kara Sea and in floodplains. The fund of production wells for full development will be up to 208 units.
The development of a set of solutions, an important task at this stage, to ensure the full and uninterrupted operation of facilities in the absence of overland transport infrastructure. For the first time in the practice of Gazprom Dobycha Nadym gas well clusters will be equipped with helipads to ensure year-round access, as well as deployment of water transport.
Gazprom Dobycha Nadym is a 100% owned subsidiary of Gazprom. The company specializes in production and treatment of gas and gas condensate. The first gas producing enterprise in the north of Western Siberia was created for the development and operation of the Medvezhye oil and gas condensate field, as well as production at the Yubileynoye, Yamsoveyskoye and Bovanenkovskoye fields. The company owns a license to develop the Kharasaveyskoye gas condensate field, where development work is underway. Territory of operation: Nadymsky, Purovsky, Yamalsky districts of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. Gazprom Dobycha Nadym is the major employer for Nadym and the village of Pangody with more than 9 500 employees. The enterprise includes 13 operating gas fields, 14 specialized branches. The annual volume of natural gas production is more than 100 billion cbm. The company has implemented an environmental management system ISO 14001:2015.