Netherlands rail and inland shipping join forces
The Netherlands Association of Rail Operators (NVRO) has merged into the Association of Inland Terminal Operators (VITO). By joining forces in this way, the VITO will have 27 members as of 1 April. They transport and handle 1.6 million container units to/from and in the Dutch hinterland. About half of these are handled via the eight largest terminals, all with a capacity of around 100,000 TEU. The inland shipping/rail split is 75/25.
In the coming years, the VITO anticipates average annual growth of 5-6%, with the volume handled in 2013 at 2.2 million TEU. In the period 2007-2010, the members will be investing € 75 million. In comparison with 2007, capacity will increase by 700,000 TEU. Only about five terminals are not yet members of the association.
The port of Rotterdam has a great interest in the further development of the terminal network in the hinterland. The Port Authority consults on this with the VITO for the Netherlands and various parties abroad, particularly the Rhine-Main zone. The development of the network covers both the capacity and functionality (depot function, buffer function, combining flows, processing truck movements, decentralised customs clearance and safety checks, etc.)
In the coming years, the VITO anticipates average annual growth of 5-6%, with the volume handled in 2013 at 2.2 million TEU. In the period 2007-2010, the members will be investing € 75 million. In comparison with 2007, capacity will increase by 700,000 TEU. Only about five terminals are not yet members of the association.
The port of Rotterdam has a great interest in the further development of the terminal network in the hinterland. The Port Authority consults on this with the VITO for the Netherlands and various parties abroad, particularly the Rhine-Main zone. The development of the network covers both the capacity and functionality (depot function, buffer function, combining flows, processing truck movements, decentralised customs clearance and safety checks, etc.)