The creation of one single port community system is a cherished wish of the (international) business community that often operates via both ports. Agencies such as Customs also appreciate the advantages. In practice, the collaboration will mean that the participants in PortNET can use the services of Port infolink for the exchange of data from mid-2009 onwards. These will be modified for the Amsterdam situation. The existing PortNET system (ERINet) will then be phased out. For Rotterdam’s Port infolink clients, nothing will change in the everyday use of the current services.
A second element in this joining of forces is the development of a completely new technical platform with existing and new functionality in order to prepare the joint port community system for the future. In this connection, when designing the new system, account will be taken of open standards, so that links with external systems can be established simply. By combining the strengths of Port infolink and PortNET, significant synergy is possible on the way to an optimum end result. The new platform should become available in the course of 2010.
Decision making
As owners of Port infolink and PortNET respectively, the Port of Rotterdam Authority and the Port of Amsterdam agreed at the end of August, following close consultation, to establish one organisation and one joint port community system. This agreement will be formalised further in the period ahead. The endeavour is to integrate the two organisations as of 1 January 2009.
About Port infolink
Port infolink enhances the port of Rotterdam’s competitive edge by optimising the information flows and work processes of the public and private sector. Port infolink does that by developing a port-wide Port Community System with services geared towards specific target groups, which facilitate the simple and efficient exchange of data. The Port Community System currently offers 24 different services, with around 4500 users who send more than 20 million electronic messages a year. Port infolink was set up in 2002, in a joint initiative by the Port of Rotterdam Authority (100% shareholder), the Customs department and the port business organisation Deltalinqs.
About PortNET
During the past six years, PortNET has, as a public/private partnership organisation, successfully encouraged the development and use of ICT in the ports of the Amsterdam-North Sea Canal area. Port-related companies and authorities now work closely together in the field of electronic data exchange.
PortNET focuses primarily on the development and operation of ICT applications in the port, to enable public and private parties to interchange electronic data in a reliable manner. In concrete terms, these are systems which, on the one hand, form a central, governmental front office for businesses and, on the other, provide opportunities for the various government agencies to be supplied with good quality and reliable information. As a result, it is actually possible to reduce the administrative burden, something the government supports in its policy.
Joint response of shareholders
“The Port of Rotterdam Authority and the Port of Amsterdam are pleased to meet the demand of their customers for one communication system for the two ports. Furthermore, the port authorities expect the increase in scale to facilitate the development of new products and improve service. Government inspection agencies, including Customs as large user, can also benefit from the integration. In addition, this integration links up seamlessly with further Customs changes, in particular, at both the national and European level.”