Transit-DV starts coal delivery to Northern regions
Transit-DV has commenced the eleventh season of coal deliveries to Russia’s North region, the group said Thursday.
On May 2, 2012, the company owned dry cargo ship Zolotaya Kolyma (Golden Kolyma) set sail from Vostochny port to Magadan. The vessel is carrying 27,520 tons of coal and 22.3 tons of general cargo. On May 9 the M/V Golden Kolyma will be unloaded at offshore anchorage of the port of Magadan.
Trading House Transit-DV, founded on July 18, 1995, is a holding company providing services in the markets of processing and delivery of energy resources (oil products, coal, natural gas), bunkering of vessels and shipping. The Holding comprises a managing company Transit-DV Group and eight companies North East Shipping Company, Trading House Transit-DV, Vostokbunker, Khasan Service DV LLC, Magadan-Transit DV LLC, Kamchatka Transit-DV LLC, Vladrybsnab and Our North Fund.