Pickets to take place in Primorsky Region ports
Struggle action with convenience flags starts on January 27th in Primorskiy territory ports and Asian Pacific Region countries. The action was organized by sailor labor unions and International material handler Federation. A chairman of Far Eastern Russian organization of Russian sailor labor union Nikolay Suhanov reported about it to RIA PrimaMedia. "Our target is to draw public attention to negligent ship owners, who at first hire sailors and lately leave them to the mercy of fate", Suhanov says. In the course of the action labor union representatives will visit courts, which complaints come from. Beside it, the actions by the ship sides under "convenience flags". "We will spread out broadsheets, address to sailors, draw ship owners attention to the problem of sailor pay pause", Suhanov tells. In the course of last action, which was taking place from 15 to 17th July 2008, in Far Easte of Russia seven ships under convenience flags, which were staying in ports of Nakhodka and Vladivostok were checked. Sailors were paied more than 200 thousand US dollars to make up for pay pauses, also for food, to pay for air tickets in case of repatriation.