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  3. RF Government gives orders to expand port Vanino in Khabarovsk Territory for construction of new coal terminal (document)

2017 March 20   10:47

RF Government gives orders to expand port Vanino in Khabarovsk Territory for construction of new coal terminal (document)

RF Government has made a decision on expansion of Vanino seaport in the Khabarovsk Territory through inclusion of land on the northern coast of the Muchke Bay (Vanino District, Khabarovsk Territory) dedicated for construction of a terminal with annual capacity of 24 mln t. The Order dated 13 March 2017 (No 435-r) was signed by RF Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.

The document was developed by the Ministry of Transport in compliance with the Federal Law on seaports of the Russian Federation and on introduction of amendments into certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation” and the territorial planning scheme of the Russian Federation for the development of federal transport (rail, air, maritime and inland waterway transport) and federal highways approved by the government on March 19, 2013 (No 384-r).

The Order is targeted at implementation of the new investment project and the development of the existing infrastructure of Vanino seaport.

A terminal capable of handling up to 24 mln t of coal per year is to be built at the Muchke Bay in the Khabarovsk Territory. The terminal will comprise two berths for coal shipments, an area with a berth for port fleet, a root sector with bank protection, dry bulk facility, bulk fuel facility, railroad facilities and administrative facilities.

The project will be implemented through private-public partnership between FSUE Rosmorport and Sakhatrans LLC (Transport company of Yakutiya). The construction is estimated at RUB 25.500 bln including RUB 24.400 bln from off-budget sources and RUB 1.100 bln of budget finances.

The project is to be implemented in 2018–2021.

The decision will facilitate the development of port infrastructure in the Khabarovsk Territory, generation of additional jobs and further development of Russian coal market to boost coal exports to the Asia-Pacific Region.

The document is available at the website of IAA PortNews >>>>


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