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2018 April 4   12:04

BPA strives to attract T/S cargo with various incentive schemes

Busan Port Authority(BPA, President WOO Ye-jong) is going to revise and carry out the incentive schemes in 2018 in order to achieve its goal to handle 11.09million TEU(8.5%↑YoY) transshipment cargo, the company said in its press release.
Busan Port has provided incentive schemes to attract new T/S cargo volume and to bolster logistics network with shipping companies.

BPA will carry out newly revised incentives and port charge reduction.

The incentives are as follows; 200 million won for new American and European routes operators, container vessels calling Korea-China, Japan, Russia routes consecutively, more incentives and Phase Out for companies that increased T/S cargo YoY, T/S cargo transportation fees to other ports, coastal shipping companies, vessels calling Busan North Port-New Port simultaneously.

BPA President WOO said "Despite the fierce global competition, we will endeavor to achieve our goal to process 11.09 million TEU T/S cargo this year by utilizing incentive plan actively."


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